Monday, December 5, 2011

Quick Story- Pink Ribbon Club

Thornton Academy has always been a powerful force in the Saco community when it comes to breast cancer awareness. One thing in particular that student have participated in is Marys Walk in the spring. In the fall, students rallied together on pink week to support teachers and friends in the school by wearing pink. As winter approaches, students of TA are coming together again, by starting the Pink Ribbon Club. The Club was started by Chloe Eisenhaur, Sam Schildroth, and teacher, Mrs. Arenstam. The club wishes to raise awareness about breast cancer. It is the second high school chapter in Maine of the Pink Ribbon Club. The first meeting will be on December 15. Chloe and Sam approached Mrs. Arenstam about being the faculty advisor for the group, and since then they have had their first meeting, and even a few fundraising ideas. January 24, there will be a basketball against Biddeford, in which a portion of the ticket sales will go toward the group and their efforts. They will aslo be selling pink ribbon lolly pops. The group will likely be meeting once a week to start, and then a few times each month. Although they have only had one meeting, “There has been a huge interest from students,” says Mrs. Arenstam. The group is bound to be a success among TA students.

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